Learn the method that works to get you the most accurate facial representation possible.
With practice, your portraits will improve dramatically!
The only thing getting in the way of your success is you, so commit to treating yourself to this mini-course and learn how to correctly place, shade, and check the subject's features and complete a grey-scale portrait of your own.
Here is the testimony of just two of many satisfied students:
"I was always so excited to come to this class, I knew I would learn something valuable
to help me be more creative!" ~K.P.
"I did not even imagine that I could achieve such skills!" ~A.K.
This class is only offered periodically and fills up quickly, so if you are interested please
click on the "Contact The Artist" Form and I will send you a Registration Form with further information
This Class is scheduled for Thursday evenings 7pm - 8:30pm (July 23, 30, Aug 6, 13, and 20)
Because this is a small-group class, I can offer each student the deeply discounted price of $125
With practice, your portraits will improve dramatically!
The only thing getting in the way of your success is you, so commit to treating yourself to this mini-course and learn how to correctly place, shade, and check the subject's features and complete a grey-scale portrait of your own.
Here is the testimony of just two of many satisfied students:
"I was always so excited to come to this class, I knew I would learn something valuable
to help me be more creative!" ~K.P.
"I did not even imagine that I could achieve such skills!" ~A.K.
This class is only offered periodically and fills up quickly, so if you are interested please
click on the "Contact The Artist" Form and I will send you a Registration Form with further information
This Class is scheduled for Thursday evenings 7pm - 8:30pm (July 23, 30, Aug 6, 13, and 20)
Because this is a small-group class, I can offer each student the deeply discounted price of $125